
Said Politics to Religion, “I Want A Divorce!”


It doesn't matter the subject: prayer in schools, legalizing abortion, same-sex marriage, capital punishment, the Christian church, in large part, has come to expect that its for life should also be America's rules for life. Maybe not down to every detail (after all, we haven't made fornication illegal yet. And we certainly don't expect American government to take care of the poor the way Jesus asks his followers to), but for the most part, we expect the Bible to carry some weight in American legislation. For some unsubstantiated reason, we feel we deserve it.

Said Politics to Religion, “I Want A Divorce!”2021-07-05T04:03:38-05:00

What Faith Isn’t


But what the heck does having faith mean? And further, faith in what? Today, faith is the politically correct way of referencing your religion. Instead of expressly stating your belief in your religion’s god(s), you simply say you “had faith” or “your faith got you through” or something like that. Along the way, we’ve lost the real meaning of the word...

What Faith Isn’t2021-07-05T04:21:18-05:00


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