
What Faith Isn’t


But what the heck does having faith mean? And further, faith in what? Today, faith is the politically correct way of referencing your religion. Instead of expressly stating your belief in your religion’s god(s), you simply say you “had faith” or “your faith got you through” or something like that. Along the way, we’ve lost the real meaning of the word...

What Faith Isn’t2021-07-05T04:21:18-05:00

America a Christian Nation? Hardly!


America is not at all a Christian nation. Not even a little. The first of the 10 commandments (the one I believe Jesus does the least amount of tampering with in his own answers to questions about laws and such) is simple. “You shall have no other gods before me.” I bring up the ten commandments because it is probably the most cited source of pre-American, biblical legislation by those who would disagree with my assessment of America’s Christian brand. It is, for them, a basis (one of many) from which our forefathers drew the constitution. The importance of "putting no other god before" God cannot be...

America a Christian Nation? Hardly!2021-07-05T01:59:00-05:00

I Am Afraid Of Church…


When’s the last time you wore a flak jacket to church? Probably never, if you live in America. Because here in America, church is a pretty safe place to be. At least in the physical sense. But what if I told you more people wear flak jackets to church service than you probably realize? What if I told you, I wore a flak jacket last week in service, right in the heart of Texas? And what if I told you that when you go to church, it’s likely you’re wearing one too?

I Am Afraid Of Church…2021-07-05T06:01:59-05:00


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